Why Travelers Are Healthier?

Why Travelers Are Healthier?

Why Travelers Are Healthier?
 Working is a promised form of choice for all societies in life, but none of us want this ongoing process to keep us from our health. At this point, our most important need is to take a break from work and be included in travel plans in order for our souls to breathe and to be healthier.


 1. Planning To Go On Vacation Helps Heal Your Emotions

 If you have a busy and stressful business life, of course, this will cause your emotions and, accordingly, your nervous system to wear out. Scientists argue that holidays, which are expected to come when time is taken away from the working environment, always make people happy. In this direction, people who have a positive perspective on vacation feel more fit in terms of health. In other words, people are more happy with the gains they get from their travel experiences, rather than the gains they have by purchasing.  

2. Regular Travel Significantly Reduces the Risk of Heart Attack

In line with a study by the Framingham Heart Study;  He states that men who have not traveled for years increase the risk of heart attack by 30%. The research shows that women who travel every 6 years are also at risk of heart attack 8 times a year. Another study shows that; In men who travel regularly, there is a 21% decrease in the diseases that cause death, and a 32% decrease in the death rates due to heart attacks.  

3. Staying Away Strengthens Your Mental Health

Factors caused by coping with problems should not be overlooked. Women who travel at least once every two years experience more distress due to factors such as stress and depression than women who travel twice a year. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, vacation; It helps you to get away from the activities you see as the source of stress and the environment you are in.

 4. Streamline Your Sleep And Exercise Work 

When you go on a business trip, your sleep and exercise patterns are disrupted. In your normal life, you go above and beyond complaining about your sleep problem, and this is a great possibility for your work life to wear out. Taking a break for these complaints, traveling is the exercise for you. At least, if you have the opportunity to walk around the place where you are traveling, make sure to take advantage of it. Because when you choose to walk, the lactic acid secreted by your muscles along with the oxygen intake will help you sleep. In this way, your sleep will be regulated and your sleep problem will not only be eliminated, but it will also open the door to be more productive in your business life.  

5. It will support the development of your family relations

 It is the best method to try to solve the problems you have in the family within the family. However, unfortunately, it is not easy to reach the solution because you are constantly in the same environment and approach the events with the same perspective, which brings with it a lack of communication. At this point, traveling to get a different perspective, getting to know new people, communicating, stepping on the ground to get rid of your negative energy, and taking a vacation will help you solve the problems you have with your family. Because I am sure that when you get away from the environment you are in, you will have the chance to reevaluate the problems you have experienced or the discussions that have occurred, and to look through the eyes of the person in front of you. .